A to Z List of E-Journals
Title | Collection | Publisher | Subject | Access From | Access To | URL |
Die Waffen nieder! | JSTOR |
Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag |
Peace & Conflict Studies ; Political Science ; Social Sciences |
1892-02-01 |
1899-01-01 |
https://www.jstor.org/journal/waffennieder |
Die Welt des Islams | JSTOR |
Brill |
Humanities ; Religion |
3/31/1913 |
Current ( With 4 year embargo) |
https://www.jstor.org/journal/weltislams |
Die Welt des Orients | JSTOR |
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (GmbH & Co. KG) |
Area Studies ; Asian Studies |
1/1/1947 |
Current ( With 2 year embargo) |
https://www.jstor.org/journal/weltorients |
Dielectric Materials for Photovoltaic Systems (NAWDMPV), North African Workshop on | IEL Online |
Components; Circuits; Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials |
2014 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1804925 | |
Dielectrics (ICD), IEEE International Conference on | IEL Online |
Engineered Materials; Dielectrics and Plasmas |
2016 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1814504 | |
Dielectrics, Digest of Literature on | IEL Online |
Engineered Materials; Dielectrics and Plasmas |
1936 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1809884 | |
differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies | Project Muse |
Duke University Press |
Womens Studies |
1998-09 |
2004-09 |
https://muse.jhu.edu/journal/47 |
Differential Equations | Springer Link |
Springer Nature |
Mathematics and Statistics |
1997 |
Current |
http://link.springer.com/journal/10625 |
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems | Springer Link |
Springer Nature |
Mathematics and Statistics |
1997 |
Current |
http://link.springer.com/journal/12591 |
Differential Evolution (SDE), IEEE Symposium on | IEL Online |
Communication; Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components; Circuits |
2011 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1800395 | |
Differential Geometry and its Applications | Science Direct -Freedom Collection |
Elsevier |
Mathematics |
1995 |
Current |
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09262245 |
Differentiation | Science Direct -Freedom Collection |
Elsevier |
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
1995 |
Current |
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03014681 |
Digest IEEE/Leos 1996 Summer Topical Meeting. Advanced Applications of Lasers in Materials and Processing | IEL Online |
Photonics and Electrooptics; Engineered Materials; Dielectrics and Plasmas; Components |
1988-01-01 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=3845 | |
Digest of Chinese Studies | JSTOR |
American Association of Chinese Studies |
Area Studies ; Asian Studies |
1/1/1986 |
1/1/1995 |
https://www.jstor.org/journal/digechinstud |
Digest of Literature on Dielectrics | IEL Online |
Engineered Materials; Dielectrics and Plasmas |
2016-03-10 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=7420335 | |
Digest of Literature on Dielectrics Volume 28 1964 | IEL Online |
Engineered Materials; Dielectrics and Plasmas |
2016-11-10 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=7738984 | |
Digest of Literature on Dielectrics Volume 34 1970 | IEL Online |
Engineered Materials; Dielectrics and Plasmas |
2016-11-10 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=7739900 | |
Digest of Literature on Dielectrics Volume 38 1974 | IEL Online |
Engineered Materials; Dielectrics and Plasmas |
2016-11-10 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=7739003 | |
Digest of Literature on Dielectrics Volume 40 1976 | IEL Online |
Engineered Materials; Dielectrics and Plasmas |
2016-10-24 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=7593193 | |
Digest of Literature on Dielectrics Volume 42 1978 | IEL Online |
Engineered Materials; Dielectrics and Plasmas |
2016-11-10 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=7739919 |