A to Z List of E-Journals
Title | Collection | Publisher | Subject | Access From | Access To | URL |
Service Oriented Computing and Applications | Springer Link |
Springer Nature |
Computer Science |
1997 |
Current |
http://link.springer.com/journal/11761 |
Service Science | Informs PubSuite |
Management |
2009 |
Current |
http://pubsonline.informs.org/journal/serv |
Service Science and Innovation (ICSSI), International Conference on | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; |
2013 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1802839 | |
Service Sciences (ICSS), International Conference on | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; Communication; Networking and Broadcast Technologies; General Topics for Engineers |
2010 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1800069 | |
Service Sciences (IJCSS), International Joint Conference on | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; Communication; Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components |
2011 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1800436 | |
Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), IEEE International Conference on | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; |
2007 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1001856 | |
Service-Oriented Computing: Consequences for Engineering Requirements, SOCCER | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; |
2006 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1002083 | |
Service-Oriented System Engineering, SOSE, IEEE International Workshop | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; |
2005 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1002082 | |
Services - Part II (SERVICES-2), Congress on | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; Communication; Networking and Broadcast Technologies; General Topics for Engineers |
2008 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1002948 | |
Services (SERVICES), IEEE World Congress on | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; |
2008 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1800492 | |
Services Computing (APSCC), IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; |
2006 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1001486 | |
Services Computing (SCC), IEEE International Conference on | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; |
2004 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1001209 | |
Services Computing Workshops, SCW , IEEE | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; |
2006 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1001749 | |
Services in Distributed and Networked Environments, International Workshop on | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; |
1994 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1000663 | |
Services in Emerging Markets (ICSEM), International Conference on | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; Communication; Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components |
2012 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1802277 | |
Services Marketing Quarterly | Taylor & Francis - Science & Technology + Social Science & Humanities Package |
Taylor & Francis Group |
Business Management & Economics |
1997 |
Current |
https://www.tandfonline.com/WSMQ |
Services Science, Management and Engineering, SSME, IITA International Conference on | IEL Online |
Engineering Profession; General Topics for Engineers |
2009 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1002870 | |
Services Systems and Services Management, ICSSSM, International Conference on | IEL Online |
Computing and Processing; |
2005 |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=1002157 | |
SESENA: Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications | ACM Digital Library |
Association for Computing Machinery |
Software testing and debugging |
2010 |
2012 |
http://dl.acm.org/proceedings/sesena/ |
SESS: Software Engineering for Secure Systems | ACM Digital Library |
Association for Computing Machinery |
Software testing and debugging |
2005 |
2011 |
http://dl.acm.org/proceedings/sess/ |